Coffeehouses are hubs of information sharing: people gather, share thoughts, learn about happenings, and discuss challenges. Having a place and time to congregate allows people from diverse backgrounds to talk of experiences that can inspire, spark innovation and improve problem solving.

Coffeeops aims to bring on the Age of Delightenment fueled by coffee (tea or cocoa!), collaboration and cooperation across companies. Coffeeops should be considered part of work, a critical part of preventing stagnation and isolation of the daily grind and help build resilience. Conferences provide some amount of this but are limited in duration and can be too costly for an individual in time and money.

The bigger your company, the more likely you need regular infusions of external input. Groups working solely within an environment can fail to recognize other ways of doing things, ignoring trends in the industry, duplicating efforts, and expending time and energy in areas that are not business differentiators.

If there isn't a local Coffeeops already happening in your area, start one!

Local Meetups - USA

Location Details Coordinators
Santa Clara, CA TBD @sigje
(South) San Jose, CA Wednesdays (sporatic) @davedash
San Francisco, CA Planning in Progress! Let us know if you're interested! nreisb
Twin Falls, ID Contact Erin Kolp for more information! erinlkolp
Seattle, WA Bi-weekly on Friday, Calendar. @dougireton
Eastside, WA Bi-weekly on Friday, Calendar. @johnharris85
Portland, OR Bi-weekly on Fridays from 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM at Puppet. Check @PDXCoffeeOps for details. @thelucywyman
Alpharetta, GA Meetup @tmhall99
Boulder, CO html iCal @guildner
Denver, CO Every Thursday between 8 and 930 am online on Google Meet. @curiousbiped
Key West, FL @cayohuesoval
Chicago, IL First Thursday of the month from 8am-10am at Dollop Coffee on Monroe (55 W Monroe St). More details at @parabuzzle
New York City (Manhattan), NY Every Thursday morning at 8:30am-10:00am ET on Zoom.
More details at
Google Calendar, HTML, iCal.
Matt Titmus
(Email us!)
Austin, TX Meetup Israel Carberry

Local Meetups - International

Location Details Coordinators
London, UK Twice monthly on 1st and 3rd Tuesday. Organised at Abby Bangser Ronan Fitzgerald
Birmingham, UK Every Tuesday morning at 200 Degrees located at 12 Lower Temple Street, next to new street station. More details at Alistar Hey Dan Allford Tom Withers
Sydney, AUS Tuesday 7am (First Tues of the Month) in 7am @ Table 60 - iCal @drewkhoury, @bryceflux
Wellington, NZ Ad-hoc but approx. once a month; arranged via the DevOpsNZ Slack @mexisme
Newmarket - Auckland, NZ 11am on the First Thursday of every Month at Cali Newmarket @DevTroy & @4lexNZ
Campinas, BR Ad-hoc but approx. once a month; arranged via the DevOps Campinas Slack (look for #eventos channel) @deoandre and @andreyevbr

Virtual Meetups

Location Details Coordinators
Eastern USA (GMT-04) Weekly on Tuesdays. HTML iCal Jason Dixon